Quick Admit

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use an extension to admit a patient faster than you might be able to do in the normal Add New Patient screen.

Why Quick Admit?

WRMD’s regular Add New Patient screen contains essential fields one would need to admit a patient (Date, Species, Rescuer Details, Donation, and Intake).

However, sometimes you may need an even faster way to admit patients. Perhaps during the busy season, you do not have the time or ability to fill out the information on the regular form.  Alternatively, you may have a weak internet connection and prefer to use a paper-based system to maintain your records. Whatever your reasoning, you can use the Quick Admit Extension to make patient intake faster for you.

We often recommend that if you use the Quick Admit Extention in combination with the Paper Forms Extension, you can quickly admit the animal and then go right to that animal’s record to print out a paper form version of its record. This allows you to write all the information on paper and then at a later date come back into WRMD to fill out the final disposition of the animal and add any further details that you want to record.

Activating the Quick Admit Extension

Note: Users with Admin or Super Admin status are able to access the Extension Features in Settings.

Step 1

Visit https://www.wrmd.org/signin and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

Access your account settings. Click on the arrow next to your name in the top right corner and choose settings from the drop-down menu.  

Step 3

On the left sidebar, click on All Extensions in the Extensions panel on the left side.

Step 4

Activate the Quick Admit Extension by scrolling to the bottom of the screen. Click the green Activate the Quick Admit Extension button. Once activated it will always be available until you deactivate it.

Using the Quick Admit Function

Once you activate the Quick Admit function, you will be able to access it on the Add New Patient Screen.

Step 1

Visit https://www.wrmd.org/signin and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

In the Quick Links panel on the left of the Dashboard, Click on Add New Patient.

Step 3

At the top right of the New Patient Page, click on the gray Go To Quick Admit button.

Step 4

Fill in the appropriate fields in each panel. Note that the required fields are highlighted with a vertical pink bar on the left side of the text box. The fields are very similar to those to fill in when adding a new patient. However, in the Quick Admit you only focus on case number, species type, reasons for intake, and disposition of the animal.

Step 5

Click the green Create Record(s) button.

Step 6

After creating the record, you will see a green banner informing you that the record has been created.

A new Quick Admit page will open up for you so you can continue to add patients.

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