Prescription Reports

In this tutorial, you will learn how to produce reports and visualize different ways of seeing all of your prescriptions for the day so you know who needs to get their prescriptions.

Printing Individual Patient Prescriptions

Printing a patient’s individual prescription(s) is useful if you want to attach it to their enclosure or if you are sending the animal to homecare and you want to give the homecare care-giver a prescription tag that goes along with the medications.

Step 1

Open the Patient Record of the animal whose Prescription you want to print. 

Step 2

Click on the Prescriptions tab. 

Step 3

Check the box for the prescription(s) you want to print.

Step 4

Click on the Printer icon.

Step 5

A PDF of the prescription label is downloaded onto your computer for printing.

Each medication/drug will be its own A5-sized paper. The details of the prescription and the dates have been automatically filled in for the duration of the prescription. Some blank boxes are available for the caregiver to write their initials or make a checkbox of when each individual dose is given.

Printing Prescription Reports

Step 1

In the Quick Links Menu on the left, click Reports.

Step 2

Scroll down until you see a section called Prescriptions. There are three different reports that you can download. Click on the one relevant to your situation.

  1. Prescriptions Due By Patient: All your patients receiving medication will be listed with boxes next to them indicating how many times per day medication is given. You can check off or initial the box after administering the drug to the patient.
  2. Prescriptions Due By Location: This report lists prescriptions due according to where your patient is being held. You will also see boxes next to the patient indicating how many times per day medication is given. You can check off or initial the box after administering the drug.
  3. Controlled Substance Log: This report lists every single individual dose of that medication given to an animal. You can verify that all of these volumes are recorded on your paper-controlled substance log as well as the date that they were given. 

Step 3

Specify the date or date range you want to print.

One date option is provided for Prescriptions by Patient or Location. A date range is given for the Controlled Substance Log.

Step 4

Click on the blue Print Report button.

Step 5

A PDF will download onto your computer for printing.

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