How to do a Simple Search for Patients

In this tutorial you will learn how to conduct a simple search for your patients in WRMD.

What is a simple search?

Depending on the number of fields you are searching for, a simple search can be as simple as typing in a single search item or as complex as typing in several search criteria. WRMD supplies various fields, allowing you to search by using any data point on a patient record. This gives you a great deal of versatility when you need to review data.

Using the Search Field to search for patients

Step 1

Visit and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with.  

Step 2

In the Quick Links box on the left of the page, click on the Search Patients Link.

Step 3

You’ll be brought to a search page where you can enter the data you will need to locate a patient.

Step 4

Designate the patient or a time frame for your search. The time frame will default to the current year, but you can customize it by clicking on the custom field under date admitted if you need to.

Step 5

WRMD allows you to search by using any data point on a patient record, just click through the tabs and fill in whatever field that is relevant to your search. (Species name, rescuer name, prescription type, etc).

Note: in the common name field, you can include a general term like “hawk” which would pull up any associated species or you can use a more specific term such as “Red-tailed hawk” which would limit the search to only those species.

Step 6

Click the green Search Records button.

Step 7

You’ll be brought to a page that either lists all the patients that meet the criteria you indicated on the search form or to the one record that meets your criteria.

Step 8

On a search where multiple results are found you can click on the appropriate patient or access tools that allow you to print the lists, print all the records, export the records, email them, or batch update them. These tools are in the gray background.

You can also click the red Clear Search button to display all the patients that are available for searching.

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