Setting Up Your Locations

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up location information in WRMD. Locations refer to the places where you house your patients in your facility such as their enclosures, rooms, aviaries, etc. Setting up default locations now will make it easier for you when you assign locations to your patients or when searching for them by location.

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Setting up Locations

Step 1

Visit and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

Access your account settings. Click on the arrow next to your name in the top right corner and choose settings from the drop down menu.  

Step 3

On the left sidebar, click on Your Locations in the WRMD category.

Step 4

On the locations page, in the Autocomplete Suggestions tab, you will see two big blank fields: Area/Rooms and Enclosures. In these fields type in a comma separated list of all the areas and/or rooms where you house your patients. For example: Treatment Room, Nursery, Aviary, Flight Cage, Incubator, Mammal Cage, etc. 

For now, you can ignore the Known Locations tab. This section is an experiential feature intended to help WRMD learn about the most commonly used locations used by rehabilitators like you, so that it can better predict and fill out that location for you. Helping to make WRMD smarter will help you to use this service more effectively.

Step 5

Click on the green Update Location Settings button.

Where will I see my default locations on the patient record?

The location descriptors you include in Location Settings will default to the Location tab on the Patient’s Record, giving you fast and easy access to your locations. As you can see in the image below, Location is in the upper right corner of each patient’s record. To assign a location to a patient, click on Save a New Location. This will open a new textbox where you will have access to a drop-down menu that includes all your saved locations.

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