How to Transfer a Patient to Another WRMD Account

In this tutorial, you will learn how to transfer a patient record to a different WRMD account.

Why Transfer a Patient Record?

There are times you may need to transfer a patient to another facility either permanently or temporarily. When the center you are transferring to also uses WRMD, you can easily transfer the patient record without having to go through the admission process.

There are several reasons for transferring an animal to another center. One reason is that you received an animal that you are unable to care for or do not have the proper facility for its care. In this case, you would need to transfer it to a center that is more capable of handling and/or caring for that animal. For instance, if you are set up to care for mammals, but received an injured water bird, you would need to transfer that animal to another center. Another reason to transfer an animal might be because your patient needs specialized care such as a surgery or flight time in a large aviary and will be returning to your center for further monitoring. Either way, WRMD allows you to easily transfer information on a patient between facilities.

Transferring a Single Patient Record

Step 1

Visit and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

Go to your patient’s record.

Step 3

Click on the More tab. 

Step 4

In the drop down menu, choose Transfer Record.

Step 5

You will be brought to a page where you will need to indicate the center where you are transferring the record.

Click on the textbox to open the drop-down menu listing all the organizations using WRMD.

The organizations closest to you should be at the top of the list.

Step 6

Indicate whether this transfer is collaborative in nature or not by checking the box or leaving it unchecked.

It is important to understand the distinction between a collaborative record and non-collaborative one.

  • Not Selecting the Box: If you do not select the box, you are indicating to WRMD to make an exact copy of the record in the other organization’s account. Your record of the patient and the other organization’s record are two separate patient records. When the other organization makes updates or changes to that patient, they do so on their own copy. You will not see changes or updates, and your copy of the record will not be affected.
  • Selecting the Box: If you choose to select the box to indicate that this is a collaborative transfer, then you are indicating to WRMD that this is a shared record. There will be only one copy of that record and your organization as well as the other organization will have access to it. You will be able to see any changes or updates made to that patient’s record. Likewise, any changes you make would be visible to them.

In both instances, your file will retain its case number, but a new case number will be generated for the center you are transferring it to. When the file is collaborative, WRMD will indicate that the record is collaborative and reference the specific center and case number at that center whenever anyone accesses that file.

Step 7

Click the green Transfer Record button.

When you click the Transfer Record button, a green banner will pop up at the top of the page indicating that you sent a request for transfer.

The other organization will need to accept that transfer before gaining access to that file.

Accepting a Transferred Record

Step 1

Visit and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

In the pink message center at the top right corner, you will see an indication you have a message. Click the message center icon.

Step 3

A drop-down list will appear, notifying you that you have a file transfer awaiting your approval. Click on this notification.

Step 4

A new window will open prompting you to accept or reject the request. Choose what is appropriate.

Step 5

If you approved the transfer and the record is collaborative in nature, a blue banner at the top of the record will show you the organization you are sharing the record with as well as their case number for this patient.

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