People Reports

In this tutorial, you will gain a basic understanding about the People Reports.

Accessing People Reports

Before accessing the Reporting Section, be sure to review the Navigating and Using Reports tutorial. This will give you an overview on how to access, filter, export, and print your reports.

To access the Report section, click on Reports from the Quick Links toolbar. Under the Standard tab, you can find the category People Reports. You will see the following reports in this category.

For the safety and privacy protection of people’s personally identifiable information, only SuperAdmins (and specific users they give the permission to) have access to any of the people related features in WRMD, including the viewing of People Reports.

Rescuers, Volunteers, Members, and Donor Exports

All of these reports contain basic information about people connected to your organization, specifically rescuers (people who have brought patients to your facility), volunteers, members, and donors. These reports allow you to export their data so you can integrate it with your more powerful database and maintain contact with these important people. Reports can be filtered date range and printed, emailed, or exported in various formats.  

Rescuers Who Have Not Donated

This report includes basic information about people who have brought patients to your facility but have not yet donated to your organization. Exporting this data will allow you to reach out to these individuals to gain more support for your organization. Like the other reports in this section, they can be filtered by date range and printed, emailed, or exported in various formats.  

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