Classification Tagging

In this tutorial, you will learn about classification tagging. Tagging will help you to organize your patient data so you can easily locate and retrieve it.

Diagnostic Classification Terminology

There are three classification categories where you can tag your patients with abnormal physical exam findings.

Circumstances of Admission (ex: Cat interaction, Vehicle collision, …)

— Why did the rescuer bring me this animal?

Clinical Classifications (ex: Physical injury, Neurologic disease, …)

— What are the physical exam findings by body system?

Categorization Of Clinical Signs (ex: Trauma, External parasites, …)

— What caused the abnormal physical exam findings (Clinical Classifications)?

Definitions of Each Term

The Clinical Classifications and Categorization Of Clinical Signs fields can be found with the Diagnosis field.

Reminder: To use the Classification Tagging fields, go to Settings and choose Classification Tagging under the WRMD settings box. From the Classification Tagging settings page, you can activate these new fields.

The Clinical Classifications and Categorization Of Clinical Signs fields DO NOT have an automatic tagging feature like the Circumstances Of Admission field does. In the future we will add that feature.

You can view a list of all the terms for each category and their hierarchical organization on the Classification Tagging settings page. We are working on a list of each term’s definition that will be made available from the Classification Tagging settings page as well.

Custom Terms

The terms in each category encompass, at a baseline level, the most common situations encountered in wildlife rehabilitation. For example, the Clinical Classifications category only classifies to the body systems, not to each individual organ or body part. You may use the terms in the classification tagging fields as-is or you may add custom terms for specific classifications that your hospital encounters. Your custom terms must be assigned to an existing root or leaf node of the terminology hierarchy. For example, you could use the Circumstances of Admission term “Cat interaction” or add the custom term “Feral cat” under Cat interaction in order to track that detail.

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