Fixing Your Unrecognized Patients

In this tutorial you will learn how to fix your unrecognized patients.

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What are Unrecognized Patients?

Unrecognized patients are patients where the common name is unfamiliar or unrecognized by WRMD. It is important for all your patients' names to be formally recognized for your reporting and analytics, so if you have any uncommon names, you will need to fix this.

What Causes Unrecognized Patients

WRMD auto-suggests the common names of all the known species in the world. When you admit a patient, it is best to choose from this list. However, there are times where you acquire a patient, and you are not entirely sure what species it is. Instead of choosing from WRMD’s suggestions, you can type a general name until you determine the specific species. For example, if you cannot identify a baby bird, you might say “unidentified bird” or “small swallow”. You can include any name that will help you verify or recognize your patient until you can formally identify it and update WRMD with this information.

How to Fix Unrecognized Patients

Step 1

Visit and log into your account using the username and password that you registered with. 

Step 2

Access your account settings. Click on the arrow next to your name in the top right corner and choose maintenance from the drop-down menu.   

Step 3

You will be brought to a page that lists all the unrecognized patients in your account that WRMD cannot identify.

Step 4

Type the correct common name of the species in the field and click the update button. If there is more than one species with the same name error, you can click the Update All button. In the examples below, you can see “Duckling” will be changed to “Mallard”, and “Clarks Grebe” will be spelled correctly – “Clark’s Grebe”

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