How to View and Explore the Data

This will show you how to view and explore the data in the dashboard.

Step 1

To view the data for your surveillance targets, click on Dashboard along the top banner of the landing page. Your dashboard shows the total number of cases and species admitted across the network over the previous 7-day period. These figures are followed by a list of your surveillance targets for which there was an anomalous event detected during the previous 7-day period. 

If there were any anomalous events for your targets, those will be listed as alerts under the "Today's Alerts" section.

Step 2

To view the information and underlying data for each alert, click on the alert.

This takes you to a page displaying information specific to that anomalous event. The date range is displayed at the top. The default for the date range is the previous 7-day period.

Thresholds for anomaly detection are based on the number of cases admitted within a 7-day period and are based on trends in historical data within the system. In the photo below, the threshold, # of cases admitted during the chosen date range, and # of unique species admitted during the chosen date range are circled in red. When the number of cases exceeds the threshold in a given week, an alert will be generated.

Step 3

You can explore the trends for the 7-day thresholds by clicking on the Threshold History button.

In exploring the Results, this page includes a Map displaying the spatial distribution of cases admitted during the selected date range, a Data Table showing the cases admitted during the selected data range, and a Bar Chart showing the temporal distribution of cases admitted over time.

Step 4

To visualize the map, click on the Map button circled in red in the photo below. The cases admitted during the selected date range will appear as blue points in the map.

Step 5

The map is interactive. You can click on any of the points to see the underlying data for the case. The data displayed for each case includes the common name, date reported/admitted to the organization, age class, and the clinical classification(s). The system includes 11 clinical classifications, which are assigned to each case based on the clinical presentation of the animal upon admission to the organization (see the section How to Set up a Surveillance Target) for more information on the clinical classifications, including how they are defined and assigned to each case.

The data table can be found under the bar graph shown using the red arrow in the photo below. The data table includes information on the species; the wildlife rehabilitation organization where the animal was admitted; the date and time of admission; location where the animal was found; the clinical classifications; outcome (e.g., died, euthanized, released); and a link for details that provide information on the physical examination findings for the animal.

The dashboard also includes a temporal bar graph showing the numbers of admissions over time.

Step 6

You can explore different time periods by changing the date range.

Step 7

In the photo above, the circled area shows the date range. You can click on the first and last dates in the range and use the calendar to change the dates to your desired range. In the calendar, use the arrows to change the month and year or click on the days in the calendar to select the dates. Changing the dates along the top will update the data displayed on the page, including the #s of cases and unique species.

You can also click on the bar on the map to display the number of cases admitted on that date.

Step 8

Clicking on the bar, changes the date range and data in the map and data table to that day.

Step 9

In the photo below, the circled area shows a date range with slider buttons that allow you to select your date ranges. You can click and hold the slider buttons on either side of the dates and slide them to visualize different periods. Note that adjusting the slider buttons only changes the view in the temporal graph. The data displayed in the map and in the data table align with the date range along the top of the page.

Step 10

In the photo below, the red circle shows the date ranges written out. You can click directly on those dates and type in the date ranges you want. Similarly, adjusting these dates only changes the view in the temporal graph. The data displayed in the map and in the data table align with the date range along the top of the page.

In addition to being able to select your exact dates, you can also use the pre-set options circled below.

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